There are thousands of ageing central heating systems with circulation and boiler noise problems caused by the accumulation of sludge, corrosion deposits and scale, but traditional methods of flushing just don't get rid of all the debris, and problems often quickly return. Power Flushing is an expression used to denote the process by which heating systems are forcibly cleansed using water at high velocity, but low pressure, so no physical damage is caused to the system. The process can be made even more effective with the addition of powerful cleansing and mobilising agents. Power flushing is also an excellent way to pre-commission clean new heating systems, to remove excess flux, swarf and other debris and the grease and oil used to prevent rusting of components before use.
It is prudent to power flush a heating system immediately before fitting a new boiler to an existing system to prevent possible future problems. Many systems are found to contain corrosion and sludge, even if no flow problems have yet shown themselves.
Existing debris is often mobilised by alterations to the system/piping and the increased efficiency of the new boiler, and may then accumulate in the boiler heat exchanger, causing noisy operation, reduced efficiency and, in extreme circumstances, failure of the boiler. The high efficiency and compactness of modern boilers, developed to minimise fuel costs and pollution, means that they are more susceptible to problems caused by debris in the system water.